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What’s the difference between a Swedish and deep tissue massage?

Swedish is a very relaxing massage, perfect for those stressful days and to help promote rest and sleep.

Swedish uses long, soothing sweeps of the tissue, increasing circulation and restoring balance to the systems of the body.

Deep Tissue is great for releasing tense, knotted muscles. Typically, a full-body deep tissue massage is 90-minutes, with a majority of that time focused on the affected area. (Usually an hour on the back, with 5 minutes spent on each limb and head.) Hot stones are the ideal add-on to this massage as the heat relaxes the muscles on contact and allows the therapist to work deeper with less discomfort to the client.

Should I feel any pain during my massage?

Nope. If you are experiencing any pain during a massage, even a deep tissue massage, something is wrong. The muscle “guards” itself when blunt trauma is imminent by involuntary contracting (called “muscle guarding), and thereby knitting the fibers together to form a wall of protection. This is not conducive to breaking those fibers apart to relax the surface muscles in order to get to the trouble-makers a few layers deep.

An experienced massage therapist knows this, and thoroughly warms up and gently stretches the muscles first before going deep enough to cause any pain or discomfort. The back has seven layers of muscle and deep tissue requires relaxation of the outermost layers first in order to access the deeper layers where most clients’ culprits lie. There’s no such thing as too deep, just too soon.

I use a variety of stretching and relaxing techniques with slow, broad-surface, deep pressure to minimize any discomfort. Clients report minimal soreness the next day with much looser muscles and no pain.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is energy healing. “Rei” (Divine) “Ki” (or “Chi,” Energy) is infused into the client to create a feeling of peace and well-being. Clients have reported feelings of deep internal peace and relaxation as a result of a Reiki session. Other benefits of a Reiki session are blockage removal and cord cutting, ideal for removing that significant other after break-ups or cleansing the body from negative attachments and addictions.

Reiki can help with anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Clients can request a brief 30-minute session, or “tune up” for their overall mood, or ask that I remove a person or experience from their being. If clients require simply a divine infusion of peace and love, that can be arranged as well without removing anything.  

What do hot stones do?

Hot stones relax the muscles on contact. Tense muscles can feel like they are in a constant state of contraction making them feel "knotted" and "ropey." The heat from the stones increases circulation so that blood can flow through the muscle to loosen the tightness. By relaxing the surface layer muscles, hot stones allow a therapist to work deeper to reach the layers underneath where most clients experience pain. Hot stones are the perfect accompaniment to a deep tissue massage.

What does cupping do?

Like hot stones, cups increase circulation to the muscles. Cups lift the surface layer of muscle and fascia tissue, pulling blood up through that layer and help to release toxins and lactic acid stored in the muscle tissue. We use silicone cups instead of the glass ones used in fire cupping, so there is less of a chance to cause bruising.

Please email us with a question that is not listed here and we will be happy to answer!


To book online, please create your account here:

- It is necessary for you to create your own login to book online in either Aurora or Batavia, IL

- You will fill out your intake form prior to your appointment

- If you don't have a membership, you will be required to pay a deposit

- Please text me to let me know what day and time you booked and ask any questions

- DO NOT SOLICIT ME -- I will report any lewd messages to the local authorities

View my schedule and book online:



After you create your login, you’ll choose:

- The service you’d like 

- The amount of time

- Then the day and time that the service and duration is available

- Clients can book up to 16 hours in advance; otherwise, please text for same day appointments

** If you’d like a certain day but it says it’s unavailable, choose a lesser amount of time and my schedule might be able to accommodate. 

Weekend availability is rare in the summers because I will be doing chair massage at farmers markets and music festivals.

Sign-up for MEMBERSHIPS and GIFT CERTIFICATES through the links above.



Text Emily Beaupre for expediency (630) 465-5734:

1. Your first and last name

2. The day and time window of your 1st and 2nd appointment preference

3. The type and length of massage you would like

(i.e. 60/90 min. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reiki)

4. Your email address to fill out the required intake form

5. The name of the person who referred you, where we met, or where you heard of me

DO NOT ask me for services that are unbecoming of my sacred profession.


Effective 12/23/2020

Violation of this boundary will result in


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and local LAW ENFORCEMENT may be notified.

By requesting an appointment, you understand this

and waive your right to privacy if you violate this trust.

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